

The title doesn’t really mean that the Warriors are in post season, but take it literally, after season. The Warriors finished near the bottom (again) and it doesn’t seem any different from any other year. The only good thing is that we can start off a new fresh season next year with more twists and turns. There are several good things that came out of this year besides the dismal ending.

First, I’d like to thank all my readers for reading this blog. It may not be the most popular, but I appreciate everyone’s comments. I also appreciate all those who have stopped by and read some of my writings.

Second- Let’s all congratulate Coach Nelson on surpassing Lenny Wilkins as the all-time leading wins as a coach. It has obviously taken a lot of headaches and a lot of wins, but I am happy that Nellie has achieved his goal, especially, coaching a young team, where consistency is not always the case. With that said, I think it’s time for the Warriors to head in a different direction and hire another coach. Obviously, as great as Nellie’s system has worked in the past, it is not working for these Warriors and/or it is not producing wins. I’m not paying Nellile, but as a fan, I want wins, not just records.

Third- What a fantastic pick the Warriors took with Steph Curry. Sure there were other great players out there, but I think we made a decision to keep rebuilding a team and he is definitely in the plans for the future. It must have been tough on the rookie to lose a lot, winning makes everything a lot easier, but the lack of a bench, all the injuries that piled up, gave Steph an opportunity to find his niche in the NBA. He’s not the next LeBron or Kobe, but he is a threat no matter what. And to all the haters that say Monte can’t play with Steph, it’s ridiculous! Monte had one of his best seasons and clearly it’s not just cause he’s good, but he had good support. As you watched DWade last night, he can’t carry a team without help. I think this is a great back-court. I just hope we keep it intact or if we do trade one, for some value back and not some random pieces that end up sitting on the bench injured. (Yes, I’m looking at you Raja Bell!)

Fourth- As dismal of a record the Warriors put up this season, the last ten games ended on a good note. The Warriors posted a 6-4 record, beating good teams such as the Portland Trailblazers,  the Oklahoma City Thunder and Toronto Raptors. It was a positive feeling for the future and good high note to end the season.

I’m looking forward to the off-season to see what moves the Warriors make. The biggest move should come by soon, as the selling of the Warriors are up for bidding. With new owners, the team will definitely go in a different direction than the direction they have been heading now. I want to see who the Warriors will end up picking in the draft to develop or as trade bait.  There are several areas the Warriors need to fill, such as a dominate big man or another guard. The Warriors really need size and strength in those two areas. The only place we are set is the back-court. And the Warriors need to fill out the bench with less injured-plague players.

Keep checking in as I will periodically update with playoff news. So far, the playoffs have been as advertised. The games have been intense and fun to watch. The match-up to watch is the Lakers vs OKC. Everyone knows that the Lakers will win this first round series but I am hoping that OKC drags out that series to 7 games. Not only would that be good basketball, but it will give the second round team an advantage. I really don’t want the Lakers to repeat……..