3 blockbuster trades Warriors must explore to find direct Andrew Wiggins upgrade

Miami Heat v Golden State Warriors
Miami Heat v Golden State Warriors / Ezra Shaw/GettyImages
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As my colleague Will Eudy put it earlier this week, the Golden State Warriors have an Andrew Wiggins problem that they must address this offseason.

Wiggins had by far his worst year in the NBA since entering as the number one overall pick nearly a decade ago. His performance in the 2022 playoffs are starting to become a fading memory, yet still provides a source of hope given he's just 29-years-old.

The Golden State Warriors will find it difficult to trade Andrew Wiggins unless it returns them a similar type of player

The disappointing play, combined with a significant contract (three years, $84 million remaining), has seen Wiggins value plummet around the league. However, his value to the Warriors remains high -- he remains integral to their potential success given the roster lacks any natural internal replacement.

The Canadian's role as Golden State's primary perimeter defender is the biggest reason he remains on the roster at present, as recently outlined by The Athletic's Tim Kawakami.

"...The disparity between his trade value and his actual value to the Warriors as their best on-ball defender makes it tricky. If Wiggins was going to be traded, it probably would’ve already happened."

Tim Kawakami

Any trade for a different type of player would present issues for the Warriors. For example, a deal that returns them Cleveland Cavaliers center Jarrett Allen may fortify the interior, but that may be pointless if, without Wiggins, they become punctured on the perimeter. Even a trade for a major offensive upgrade like Brandon Ingram would leave the same concern.

Can Golden State therefore thread the needle and find a more consistent, better offensive option, while not leaving their perimeter defense compromised? Let's have a look at three players who may fit the bill, along with the sort of trade it would take to acquire them.