Predicting 8 Free Agency/Contract Outcomes for the Golden State Warriors

Denver Nuggets v Golden State Warriors
Denver Nuggets v Golden State Warriors / Thearon W. Henderson/GettyImages
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With the Boston Celtics officially clinching the NBA championship on Monday, all eyes now turn to the offseason where the Golden State Warriors will be one of a number of teams whose future will be in the spotlight.

The Warriors are headed for significant change this offseason, though part of that may not be of their own accord given they hold a number of unrestricted free agents. The franchise will have greater control on a few players, including key veterans Chris Paul and Kevon Looney who have non-guaranteed and partially-gauranteed contracts respectively.

Led by franchise legend Klay Thompson, the Golden State Warriors have eight players who are or could become free agents in the next fortnight

While teams cannot begin negotiating with rival free agents until 6PM E.T. on June 30, a new CBA rule means franchise's can already begin contract discussions with their own free agents. That will be important for Golden State with a number of key dates to look out for over the next week.

Given we can now expect major free agency news at anytime, let's get in beforehand with some predictions on what will happen with eight Warrior players whose futures are likely to be decided over the next month.

1. Gary Payton II

By the time you're reading this, there's a chance that this prediction has become obsolete with knowledge of what Gary Payton II is doing next season. That's because today (Wednesday, June 19) is the date for him to decide whether or not to opt in to his $9.1 million player option.

Payton hinted in his exit interview that he could opt out and re-negotiate a new deal with the franchise -- one that gives him slightly longer security, but also one that allows Golden State to shed some annual salary.

The Athletic's Marcus Thompson II proposed earlier in the month that Payton opt out and re-sign on a two-year, $12 million contact. That appears like a fair and appropriate deal for both sides, with the 31-year-old still a valuable rotation player but having been severely impacted by injury over the past two seasons.

Outcome: Opts out of player option, re-signs with Warriors on two-year, $12 million contract

Update** - Payton has opted in to his $9.1 million player option