Predicting 8 Free Agency/Contract Outcomes for the Golden State Warriors

Denver Nuggets v Golden State Warriors
Denver Nuggets v Golden State Warriors / Thearon W. Henderson/GettyImages
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4. Kevon Looney

Further understanding of Kevon Looney's future will be known in the next few days, with June 24 the date in which his $8 million contract will become fully guaranteed. The Warriors could choose to cut the nine-year veteran prior to that point, taking a $3 million hit in the process and allowing Looney to become an unrestricted free agent.

From purely a business standpoint, cutting Looney does make some sense. It shaves million off their payroll and luxury tax for next season, and from an on-court perspective his recent form would suggest they'd lose very little.

Yet this is another situation, much like Thompson, where the elements of loyalty and respect should play its part. Letting a three-time champion go for nothing would be a major error in judgement, and it's not as if $8 million for a backup center is some awful contract.

Outcome: $8 million contract guaranteed, becomes potential trade candidate

5. Dario Saric

Many Golden State fans were thrilled when the franchise lured Dario Saric to the Bay on a minimum contract last offseason, and the early results seemed to vindicate that reaction as the Croatian renewed his combination with former Phoenix teammate Chris Paul.

However, the longer the season went, the less impact Saric was able to have. His minutes dwindled to the point where he was out of the rotation, with his offensive skill set no longer able to outweigh the defensive limitations.

The 30-year-old should still get another NBA opportunity, but it's unlikely that the last 12 months have increased his value, and it's just as unlikely that he returns to the Warriors for a second season.

Outcome: Signs minimum contract elsewhere