Ranking 7 Golden State Warriors free agents by likelihood to return next season

Denver Nuggets v Golden State Warriors
Denver Nuggets v Golden State Warriors / Thearon W. Henderson/GettyImages
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4. Chris Paul

The caveat here is that Chris Paul isn't actually a free agent, not yet anyway with the franchise holding sway on whether that becomes the case. Most expect the Warriors to waive the 39-year-old's non-guaranteed $30 million contract, opening up the chance for Paul to become a free agent for the first time in his decorated career. If they guarantee the contract, it's a surefire sign the franchise will look to trade the 12-time All-Star for more valued help.

Should Paul become a free agent, Golden State could look to bring him back on a smaller deal which certainly has some validity given he played well as a sixth man and occasional starter. The next question becomes whether Paul would have the incentive to re-sign, particularly given his ambition to chase that elusive NBA championship.

There's probably going to be more credentialed championship-level teams who could lure Paul to be their backup, while he may also hold interest in having greater impact at a younger rebuilding organization like the San Antonio Spurs.

5. Dario Saric

Warrior fans were excited when the franchise managed to sign Dario Saric on a minimum contract in free agency last year, and that jubilation appeared well placed early in the season as the Croatian played a key role in Steve Kerr's rotation.

Unfortunately things slid rather quickly for the veteran big man, to the point where he exited the rotation and never really returned. Saric's defense just wasn't up to the level, and there's no coincidence that Golden State finished the regular season strongly with him on the bench.

Perhaps the Warriors believe they could get more out of Saric in his second season in the Bay, but it's unlikely that both player and franchise would hold strong interest in a reunion once free agency hits.