Warriors insider reveals big factor in Klay Thompson's free agency decision

New Orleans Pelicans v Golden State Warriors
New Orleans Pelicans v Golden State Warriors / Kavin Mistry/GettyImages

Klay Thompson's future was already the biggest talking point for the Golden State Warriors heading into this offseason, and yet the storyline took a major and unexpected turn on Friday.

The 34-year-old seemingly and sensationally unfollowed the Warriors on Instagram and removed much of his team-related content, leading to wide-spread speculation that he's set to leave the franchise in free agency.

Was Klay Thompson's social media activity a sign of the disrespect he may be feeling from the Golden State Warriors right now?

Even if this was a sign of his imminent departure, removing momentous photos from the 2022 championship is a disappointing situation that suggests the relationship between Thompson and the franchise might be beginning to strain.

Speaking to KNBR's Tolbert and Copes on Friday, The Athletic's Marcus Thompson outlined the importance of the franchise legend feeling respected throughout this entire free agency process.

"I could see Klay signing with another team if he feels disrespected by the Warriors, even for less money. I don't think it's all about money, it's also about respect. In the end, I think they figure it out."

Marcus Thompson II

Golden State initially offered a two-year, $48 million extension prior to the season, a deal that Thompson and his management clearly saw as inadequate given his stature at the franchise. However, Thompson's production this season would suggest that offer isn't too far off the mark, with the balance need to be found between the five-time All-Star's on-court performance and also taking into account what he's done across a decorated 13-year career.

Most fascinating from Thompson's insight is the prospect that the four-time champion could depart the Warriors for less than what they actually offer. The assumption has long been that a far greater financial deal would have to come for Thompson's head to be turned, most notably from playoff teams with cap space like the Orlando Magic or Philadelphia 76ers.

The suggestion that they'll "figure it out" is at least an encouraging sentiment stemming from a day where many believe Thompson distanced himself in preparation for a departure from the Warriors.
