Blue Man Hoop wants you to relive some of the best moments from the 2017 Golden State Warriors Championship Parade through the eyes of Bay Area videographer Josh Lawas (@josh.koji).
OAKLAND, Calif. — Y’all ain’t lived until you’ve been to the Golden State Warriors Championship Parade. To be honest, y’all ain’t really living unless y’all live in the Bay.
The Bay Area has a little bit of everything. The culture we’ve continued to build in the Bay is exactly what our forefathers intended for the United States in the first place; in fact, when we read about the U.S. being a melting pot, it wouldn’t surprise me at all if what they was really talking about was the San Francisco Bay Area.
And there’s very few other places in the Bay Area that celebrates the meshing of different cultures than Oakland, CA.
Oakland isn’t perfect by any means. Like every city in America, Oakland has its pros and cons. It has its good parts, and it has its bad parts. It can be perfectly harmonious one moment and completely divisive the next. Like everything in life, there’s a balance.
Which is exactly why the Golden State Warriors are the perfect Oakland team.
People questioned how adding Kevin Durant to a team that already had Stephen Curry, Klay Thompson and Draymond Green would work. All those questions came to rest when the Warriors once again found themselves at the top of the NBA, hoisting the Larry O’Brien Championship Trophy.
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This Warriors team had not been perfect by any means, but they had a little bit of everything, and they found a way to bring all those different parts together to create a daily celebration of life, culture and basketball.
I see that same kind of celebration of life when I walk down Broadway. I see it when I go to the Oakland First Fridays Festival. I saw it when I was at the Golden State Warriors Championship Parade and Rally.
And I think no one captured that Bay Area culture in the #WarriorsParade better than Bay Area native videographer, Josh Lawas, who teamed up with Blue Man Hoop to create the video below.
In partnership with #BayArea videographer Josh Lawas, here's the @BlueManHoop #WarriorsParade recap! Like & RT! #DubNation #NBA #Warriors
— Angelo Mendoza (@_AngeIo) June 20, 2017
Be sure to show your love by following him and RTing the video! #DubNation